Mountain Views Animal Rescue & Sanctuary
Ways To Stay In Touch
We are currently a home-based rescue in the early stages of growth. We do not have any regular business hours yet and our location is currently not open to the public as we are 100% volunteer.
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Our Vision
We believe in creating a safe, relaxing, and healthy environment for animals in need of a second chance, or in some cases a first. MVARS feels passionately that all animals should be cared for and loved no matter where they are in life's journey.
Mountain Views Animal Rescue & Sanctuary is a newly organized, 100% volunteer, home-based rescue located in Minerva, New York. MVARS goal is to advocate, support, and re-home dogs, cats, and other animals both locally and from heavily populated cities and high-kill shelters.
While planning for MVARS, it became clear that there is a feral cat emergency in the Upstate NY area. What limited resources are available to help are pushed to their limits. Several local rescues have already made a positive impact. Organizers Cameron and Zack agree MVARS 'first project' will be helping to control the feral cat population in the area of MVARS Home Base. As we tackle this project, MVARS will focus on growth and expanding to further our impact in support of all animals.
Together we can make a difference!
At this time MVARS is not a 501c3 non-for-profit in New York State. We are not a licensed rescue at this time. We are working on achieving these goals.
Interested in joining our Board of Directors and being a part of our start? Contact Us Today!